This Week's Quotation:
Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
~ Don Miguel Ruiz
Truth Telling

Terri McCartney
I developed the self-betraying habit of people pleasing when I was quite young. As a result, breaking that habit and learning to be impeccable with my word has been a great lesson throughout my adult life. I had to learn to pause before speaking to ensure my words did not betray the integrity of my authentic self.
We are living in a time where human misconceptions are being revealed. Efforts to keep the truth hidden have also increased. Yet I’ve learned that having access to the truth and speaking the truth is another of our superpowers—it creates angelic energy fields.
This past year I’ve been struck time and again by the incomprehensible mystery we navigate here in time and space. Certainly, we are all being given opportunities to live in loyal alignment with the truth of oneness and to honor that with our words.
There’s a hunger for spiritual truth. It plants the seeds of higher consciousness. It encourages soulful communication and increases trust between ourselves and others. Speaking the truth lovingly is to sing the song of our soul.
May we all have the courage to honor the truth of unity and vibrationally welcome experiences that vitalize and feed the soul of humanity. Let our words bring the healing power of love to work through us in blessing to all that exists.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Terri – so beautifully put – we are in such a major time of change – and what has been hidden is arising and what is Good and Clear and Blessed is unfolding day by day. Love and Light!
Many thanks to Don Miguel and Terri. Yes, words are like seasonings. They can either bring forth the full flavor of my true expression to the delight of others … or they can be far too hot to stomach. It is up to me to gauge how to bring healthy and in some cases healing words appropriate to each situation and person. I so appreciate the Wisdom, Presence, and Power of Don Miguel and Terri which you have proffered. Gratefully, Tom C.
Thanks, Terri. Finding truth in this world of so-called information requires a deep dive into a labyrinth of twists and turns. So much deception and half truths sideswiping facts and silencing wisdom.. causing so much confusion, division and uncertainty. Beyond this 3D world of data and dogma there actually is TRUTH. Right in the centre of our Being. Right in alignment with Source. Right in Attunement with Love. I stand for that TRUTH which can never be altered or captured by pressure of any kind. We need that Truth now more than ever before.
thankyou Terri. I was witness to this superpower you speak of last evening. Two persons speaking from personality insecurity addressed issues w/ the facilitator of a group with which I was participating. At that moment I observed how I held my breath, with laser focus & presence to see what the response would be. I knew this was a defining moment for the entire group. I witnessed the facilitator step back from her personality, expand her field of LOVE & Presence & address the issues from a place of Authenticity; the Truth of her words, defused the issues. The exposure of the underlying issues coming to the surface brought the discordant energy to the light, all participants were emancipated from the disharmony. The COURAGE to bring our superpowers into the game of life changes our world. The courage & vulnerability in the offering and the courage & strength in the response. Feeding the soul of humanity through the healing power of Love.
Human beings are notorious for substituting human interpretations of Love for the truth of Love. Thank you, Terri, for so clearing revealing how our personal fidelity to truth can serve to correct this destructive habit.