Sunrise Ranch includes those of us who live here
and form the core of this community

Eden Valley, where Sunrise Ranch is located, got lots of snow and cold weather in January, but residents carry on with gusto. Derik runs a plow, Connie shovels in front of the media studio, and Mark clears the Garden Apartment deck.
We are an intentional spiritual community, passionately committed to our conscious evolution. We are also committed to each other and what we are bringing to the world together. Most of all, we are devoted to the spirit of Universal Love that brought us together and inspires us every day. Sunrise Ranch was founded in 1945, and we are one of the oldest intentional communities in America. We welcome anyone who visits here and anyone who connects with us in virtual space—on our website, on Facebook, or on our mailing list. To us, you are all part of our community. We see ourselves as part of the broader community of awakening human beings all around the world.

We find we are entering a new paradigm for how people relate to each other. In a world where neighbors in housing developments and apartment buildings often never meet, we are finding new ways to connect with people of all ages and from many diverse backgrounds.
We know that when people come to Sunrise Ranch, they feel the surround of love substance in this valley. This spiritual atmosphere has formed out of all the loving service from people down through the decades and from the communion with nature and the land itself.

The big news this month was the Holistic Wellness Expo that was held at the Ranch on January 25. Here’s a tiny glimpse of some of the work that went into putting on this event. From left, Bobbie and JJ make sure the floors are swept; Paul gives instructions to the crew about how tables and chairs should be set up; and Brian adjusts lights to have them shine on the Dais in the Dining Room.
As the Sunrise Ranch community of today, we feel responsible for this atmosphere and for our contribution to it. It is the atmosphere of true home. Our everyday spiritual practice includes a deep commitment to personal transformation, so that we become a living expression of Universal Love. That means that we commit ourselves to an unconditional expression of that Love. That’s where the rubber meets the road. We transform as we express Universal Love in the face of whatever happens and whatever may arise in our own thoughts and emotions.
We meet regularly as a community to share our vision and insight and to support each other in our transformational process. And we find a deeper Attunement with the source of life and inspiration within us.
We welcome you to join us in person or online at one of our weekly Attunement Services.

It was cold and snowy on the day of the Holistic Wellness Expo. Brian was out shoveling before guests arrived, and Diana was warming up the Pavilion with flowers. Paul and Meredith showed off the Expo schedule, and Chef Kiel made sure the food was presented well on the dining line.

Heather managed things in the front office, old friend Patrick got his booth set up, and Bexx led a yoga class with help from Gary.

Participants chant together during the Holistic Wellness Expo in the Dining Room. Happy, interested people attended the Expo to participate in workshops and yoga classes. They were inspired and informed by expert speakers and panelists, and everyone sat down together for a delicious lunch. The whole event was a tremendous success.
Community living is not for everyone, but it delivers a dimension of connection that most people inherently desire. Imagine knowing people in your life on a more intimate level through sharing an intention and living it through your work and home life.
People come to Sunrise Ranch to learn principles of universal truth and personal responsibility for the life they have created, to transform their daily living, meaningful work and interpersonal relationships, and to renew their sense of joy and connection with others. They become a loving presence of influence in their world.

Being a full-time community as well as resort and conference center, we also offer skilled openings—job positions that require specific or specialized skills. We are seeking talented people to join our spiritual community as full-time residents and members of our staff. As a resident, you can participate in the spiritual life of the community and help us continue to strengthen Sunrise Ranch as a teaching and demonstration site for thriving community. Pay is negotiable. Please visit the Job Opportunities Page for current position listings.
To learn more about living and working at Sunrise Ranch, contact the Registrar office at or feel free to call us at (970) 679-4251.
We asked our community members to share their experience of what it is like to live here at Sunrise Ranch.
Here is what they had to say about the joys of living in community!
David Karchere is the Spiritual Director for Sunrise Ranch. He works closely with Dr. Jane Anetrini, a minister at the Ranch, and with the Trustees of Emissaries of Divine Light. Children and seniors play a vital role in the life of Sunrise Ranch. We are also joined by non-residential staff who assist us with some of the essential functions of the Ranch. Interns also assist with the work of the Ranch and are an integral part of our community.
There are members of our community who have lived at Sunrise Ranch for more than 50 years, and there is usually at least one person living here who has arrived within the past month. Typically, people who join the core staff at Sunrise Ranch come first as a visitor or as a participant in our Internship Program.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
— Margaret Mead