This Week’s Quotation:
God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. Nothing is separate. I am determined to see as God sees. The salvation of the world depends on my reversal of thinking. In my determination to see clearly, true vision is given to me.
A Course in Miracles, Lessons 20-30
True Vision

Do you feel it too? Life is offering us a perceptual upgrade. It’s an opportunity to overcome the human habit of thinking in either/or and right/wrong terms. The mind is a precious resource when it transcends duality and perceives holistically.
I often have to remind myself to shift my perspective. I know that I am seeing through the lens of polarization anytime I feel frustration or distress. I ask myself, How would I see this if I perceived it as a golden opportunity to rise above the tyranny of the mind’s habitual judgments and polarized perceptions? What limiting beliefs and assumptions are interfering with my seeing this from the perspective of heaven?
That’s a helpful practice. It takes effort and persistence. But it’s worth it. I see that we don’t have to alter the world to be and create peace. All we need to do is alter our perceptions. Then we are given true vision and the ability to see the divinity in all of life. I’m eager to blaze new perceptual frontiers that make holistic seeing my new normal. How about you?
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Thank you Terri. I am with you in this! Viewing and expressing one’s thoughts and feelings out of a place of clarity within oneself is a life giving practice, as you are so beautifully indicating. And that clarity, in my experience is so available and abundant in every moment as I am open to it. From that place, my stance will not tolerate judgment or ill feeling blocking my true and pure expression, and the increase in the flow of life through me is so tangible as you describe. This ends up being such a huge gift to one’s world. You bringing attention to this is much appreciated as it points clearly to what is ours to do in each moment, in each circumstance, thus changing our own expression and the texture and quality of the atmosphere of the world around us.
Yes! We often hear the phrase “don’t project!” It makes sense. But what if I am projecting a Divine vision clear as crystal to see the world right side up (our retina sees it upside down and then it is inverted) !? What if my inner projector is receiving “film” straight from Heaven? ! What is there is this reversal in consciousness? The COURSE IN MIRACLES has uplifted the consciousness and soul of many a friend met and unmet and it is great to see its spirit included here .. Loving thanks to David and Terri for this site. Blessings, Tom C.
Love this quote and your reflections on it. What a beautiful truth! Well worth bringing to mind again and again.
WONDERFUL Self Questions – thank you – How would I see this if I perceived it as a golden opportunity to rise above the tyranny of the mind’s habitual judgments and polarized perceptions? What limiting beliefs and assumptions are interfering with my seeing this from the perspective of heaven?
Cultivating the habit of holistic thinking and seeing enables me to change every circumstance that may look like a challenge, requiring work to overcome, into a golden opportunity for the increased experience of life, definitely keeping me on an upward trajectory.
Thanks, Terri, I love this Course of Miracles quote and your thoughts on it!
It brings such a powerful and far-reaching realisation for any one of us …. so, here’s the way I like to bring into immediate experience, the ever-present Reality of my own divine presence:
So. if acceptable to translate this beautiful quote into immediate experience:
I say, In truth, I Am in everything I see because I Am in my mind. Nothing is separate. As I surrender my human ways of seeing, I begin to see as the One I Am sees. The salvation of the world depends on my reversal of human habitual seeing. In my determination to see clearly, true vision is given to me. I am in everything I see because I am in my human mind. Nothing is separate. So I choose to let the One I Am, enter in and see through this mind and heart as though He is me ….and so He is …. Praises Be!