By Jerry Kvasnicka
Torrential rains and flooding in India and Texas, multi-year drought in California, hundreds of fires in the Northwest U.S. and British Columbia, hurricanes and tornados vicious enough to kill hundreds and destroy major sections of cities, history-defying extremes of temperature. What is going on with the weather? Why these imbalances and extremes? Has Mother Nature lost her sense of fair play or simply gone wild?
Many environmentalists and scientists put the finger on global warming and the “greenhouse effect,” in which the sun’s heat is trapped in the atmosphere by various “greenhouse” gases, mainly carbon emitted by smokestack industries and coal-fired power plants. Some meteorologists point to ocean currents in the Pacific—El Niño (warm) and La Niña (cool)—that trigger atmospheric disturbances capable of displacing the jet stream. The result can be flooding in South America and drought in Southeast Asia or the icy “polar vortex” moving across North America.
Global warming still a hoax?
Some scientists as well as politicians still deny global warming and insist that the climate change we’re observing is entirely the product of natural cycles or evidence of an impending ice age—this despite the massive melting of artic ice and the gradual disappearance of glaciers around the world. Can anyone seriously believe that the staggering amount of carbon dioxide we pump into the air every year from power plants, automobiles, airplanes and many other sources has little or no effect on the atmosphere and climate of this planet?
So while a growing number of scientists now embrace the basic mechanism of global warming, the jury still seems to be out on the extent to which it is responsible for currently observed climate changes. And while ocean currents undoubtedly do affect wind and cloud patterns on land, what accounts for the fluctuations in these currents? In short, what is the underlying cause of these and all the other physical phenomena associated with global weather?
‘Acts of God’ or acts of disconnected humanity?
It is customary to dismiss all destructive weather-related events as “acts of God.” But why would a supposedly beneficent being be interested in dishing out such suffering to human beings, not to mention the torment visited upon the planet? So are we to conclude that violent weather and other earth upheavals are purely random with essentially no underlying cause? I believe there is a cause, and whenever there is violence of any kind on Earth, it can always ultimately be traced back to one source: human beings.
For example, earthquakes reflect major shifts in the structured patterns of thought held in human consciousness. They are destructive because human beings generally won’t release their rigid ideological and religious mindsets until the tension along the brain’s fault lines becomes overwhelming. Tornadoes and volcanic eruptions mirror the turbulent emotions in human consciousness—the irrepressible spasms of jealousy, resentment and ethnic hatred that frequently explode in wanton violence and murder. Floods represent human thought run amuck; the truth (water) is so churned up by human interpretations and distortions that it overflows the banks of natural control and design.
Widening temperature, wind and precipitation extremes mirror the extreme length to which human beings increasingly go to get what they imagine they want. Drought and searing heat reflect the intensification of the power of love (fire) as the Earth moves into a celestial context where the impurities in human consciousness are burned away. In other words, there are no destructive “acts of God,” just the resistance and senseless acts of human beings out of alignment with universal law and purpose. We impose our own violence on nature, then complain about it. How ridiculous!
Earth’s climate reflects climate in human consciousness
Seeing that weather climate is a product of human emotional climate, it follows that climate change requires a change in the climate of human consciousness. Clearing clouds in the sky requires clearing clouds (conditioning) in my inner sky. Calming global atmospheric disturbance involves discovering and abiding in the great calm within myself, letting the atmosphere of my expression convey peace into the world.
You and I are custodians of the Earth, including nature and the weather. As a school custodian for ten years, I came to realize the importance of maintaining a clear and life-enhancing atmosphere in the school, not just good air ventilation but good vibrational ventilation, and much of this had to do with the quality of atmosphere in my own consciousness. The Earth, one might say, is our school building, and our custodial responsibility requires the consistent expression of the highest and finest qualities of character to sustain and elevate the atmosphere in this “school of living.”
Message from the sun: Get with it!
Some very strong solar flares have recently been observed, and some have impacted satellite transmissions and other communications systems on Earth. Could these coronal ejections be the sun’s attempt to tap us on the shoulder and urge us to defrost the rigid structures and otherwise change the climate in human consciousness so that the Earth’s climate is brought back into harmony with the universal order?
It has been said that “the Earth is reserved unto fire.” This could be the equivalent of hell fire in which global warming turns the planet into another Venus, where greenhouse gases have raised surface temperatures to 900 degrees. Or if human beings cast off ego identity in favor of identity with the creative fire of divine love at every person’s core, then the possibility exists for the Earth to be returned to the beautiful, pristine garden it was created to be. The choice is ours.