Nirodha first dove into the human potential movement in 1982. He became involved in group work in 1991, for many years as participant, then eventually moving into the role of facilitator. He has worked extensively with Tantra, Primal, and more recently in the fields of trauma, attachment, and substance abuse. He first came to the Path of Love in 1999 and has been its organizer in the USA since 2002.
“This work has given me a medium, support, and the inspiration for my personal inner journey. It’s awakened my passion for the healing that is possible, for myself, for each of us, and for this planet.”
Nirodha is currently a facilitator for the Awakening of Love and Path of Love processes in America. He holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology, leads group work locally and nationally, and has a private practice in Santa Fe, New Mexico.