By Howard Goodman
When two or more are gathered in my name there am I in the midst. — Matthew 18:20
One fine Saturday afternoon, just a few weeks ago, my dear friend Miriam Platt and I gathered a group of Attunement practitioners and students to explore the experience of the magical healing power of Attunement.
We wanted to bring the influence of love into our troubled world. Using the recent shock outcome of the American election as an example, we agreed to let love radiate into selected crisis points in the world.
In focusing this world radiation, our primary intention is to let love radiate without interference or our holding onto ideas as to what the results should be or look like. This attitude of “let love radiate,” is the guiding principle for all Attunement work.
We also agreed to notice any strongly held feelings, beliefs or opinions that might arise within us, to justify views we might be holding about right and wrong, who is at fault or is to blame, etc., and to release all concerns in the spirit of humility and forgiveness. As Attunement practitioners, we know that releasing the substance of all thought and feeling to the higher ground of Divine Being within us allows the transforming power of love to flow into the situation at hand.
So what happened as we each released the power of Attunement into our chosen world crisis points? Without fail, each participant reported how their feeling connection with the situation and people soon intensified. They described feeling that as the flow of love deepened and infused the field, it brought enhanced feelings of love, kindness, blessing and acceptance. These were accompanied by the feeling that positive changes were taking place in the atmosphere surrounding the situations and the people involved.
Painful emotions, suffering, anger, discouragement—even a depressed sense of futility—gave way to a larger peace-filled field of loving kindness, understanding and acceptance. A sense of everything being held by a loving Presence brought encouragement and a new confidence that even though the situation seemed to be dire, all is well.
I had felt a compulsion to embrace children of war focusing mainly in the Middle East and Africa. As I let the Attunement current move into war-stricken towns, villages, settlements and communities, I found myself acknowledging special young people in each community who had taken the high ground of responsibility by bringing and modeling brightness, confidence and resilience. I’d read of and seen media reports showing youths embodying assurance, encouragement and offering protection to the children around them.
I thought of William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” depicting how a well-to-do group of young British boys revert to basic tribal instincts and conflicted loyalties in a violence-filled survival drama after their plane crashes, leaving them stranded on an island. All the symptoms of extreme polarization that spawn the violence and abuse we see in contemporary society—violence that is often horrifically dramatized in war-torn areas—constellated among these boys. More significantly, though, was the arising of innate spiritual virtues—courage, dignity, creative innovation and sacred respect for others—that also came to focus in a few of them and ultimately saved the day for all.
As shared by others in our Attunement gathering, the atmosphere of love brought an overriding sense of coherence, peace and an essential strength of well-being. Attunement reminds us that at the core of everything there is a universal causal realm that sources the healing authority of the presence and identity of love.
Our openness to the truth of love within ourselves brings healing and wholeness into a distressed world. Attunement honours the heart of the spiritual leader, embodying eternal true character in honour of the One spirit we are and know together—in the reality of Divine Being.
Good to share this experience with you! Till next month, love to you and your world.