Sunrise Ranch

Basic Audio Series | Vol. 24 The True Stature of Man #2

Basic Audio Series | Vol. 24 The True Stature of Man #2


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Lecture by Martin Exeter, December 16, 1973 . . .

Synopsis: The true stature of the individual is the stature of the angel, and the true stature of mankind is the stature of the Lord Himself — something tremendous! It is so great that it would overwhelm man in his present state, and so man has deliberately maintained a separation. In his search for freedom he has been trying to be free from God. But salvation is the state of being bound to God, of returning to His dominion. Apart from God we are nothing and eventually die. If we persist in our own wants we never know what God’s will is, what the true design is. The notion of individual freedom is a deception; there is no freedom apart from God. Human separateness must vanish away, for man’s true nature is expansive, inclusive of the solar system and the greater universe, and can only be brought to point by God, not the self-activity of the mind.

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