This Week's Quotation:
This is the season when people of all faiths and cultures are pushing back against the planetary darkness. We string bulbs, ignite bonfires, and light candles. And we sing.
~ Anita Diamant - Author and thought leader on contemporary Jewish life.
The Season of Light

Sece Foster, Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Coach & Attunement Practitioner
Whether we find ourselves lighting the menorah or enjoying the dance of Christmas lights on an evergreen, I think we can all agree that the planetary darkness we are facing together requires that the light within US gets turned on and turned up.
If you were to look up the origins of Hanukkah, you would find an epic story of oppression, rebellion, victory and miracles. Lighting the menorah takes on a whole new meaning when the origin story of the tradition is understood and honored. There is reverence present as the deeper meaning of the ritual is felt and remembered.
Right now on Planet Earth we are in the midst of our own epic story. In the face of our collective, dark night of the soul I am called to shine my light. How about you? What if we tuned in to the deeper meaning behind our traditions to see what we share in common? Wouldn’t it be the light of our souls and the love in our hearts that unite us? This time of year is such a beautiful reminder to take notice of what is sacred and to be deliberate in our honoring of it. You are sacred… I am sacred, and this blue-green orb we share as our home is sacred. Where we stand is holy ground.
As I partake in the rituals and festivities of the next several weeks, I want to be deliberate in bringing vision to what the light within us can do. I invite us to imagine future generations looking back, to this time in world history, and honoring us for initiating the season of light. As they ignite a candle and say a prayer of thanksgiving for the courageous ones that sparked a revolution of Love and Light. Imagine them singing songs of oneness and glory, as our collective destiny is fulfilled. Now that is a vision worth living into.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Amen Sece! A vision worth living into indeed. Thank you.
Yes, may the light of Hanukkah (starts this week-end!), Solstice (Wed.), Christmas, Kwaanzaa, Diwali, and whatever you may celebrate be far more than symbolic. Thank you, Sece. From those of us in Hawaii a Mele Kalikimaka! To the LIGHT! Aloha, Tom C.
Sece, you have certainly given me ample reason to shine my light during this Christmas season and to celebrate its true meaning.
This is beautiful Sece – we all are moving toward the Light….
Happy New Year – and New Day – Every Day this Year!!!