This Week's Quotation:
A funeral is an occasion to both mourn together and rejuvenate one another with love. Through their presence at a funeral, family and friends get to display their solidarity anew.
~ Hlumelo Biko: Black Consciousness – A Love Story
The Rejuvenating Power of Love Beyond Difference

Rev. Berry Behr, Interfaith Minister
The first ever Africa Kiva has just concluded in Zimbabwe. It was an extraordinary experience of soul connection through prayers, sweat lodges, ceremony and deep conversation accompanied by the unmistakable drumbeat and heart song of Africa. The sun shone warmly on the entire event and our feet became attuned to the baking red soil of the African earth.
A shooting star lit the atmosphere of the dusk sky on my first night, and early next morning there was another. Both going East.
Once I watched a non-venomous Western Yellow Bellied Sand snake slither under my tent, out the other side, and disappear. It seemed the Goddess herself had blessed this transformative event with Her presence and heard our prayers.
Grief was there, too. A lioness and three cubs had been killed by poachers. The pain of poverty was all around. The rains don’t fall in familiar patterns. Village children bringing their curiosity and sweet, innocent smiles reminded us of the preciousness and precariousness of our future. They danced, celebrated, loved, and prayed. As we all did. As if our lives depended on it.
Have you noticed that even at sad occasions such as funerals, the overwhelming sense at the end is often upliftment? How much more so when we consciously celebrate life, each other, and our planet. This is the power of community, that when we gather with common purpose our hearts expand, our consciousness blossoms and we are somehow transformed into a better version of ourselves. Peace prevails.
At the Africa Kiva, an Australian First Nations healer rubbed shoulders with a Prince from Benin, Mexican healers, Nordic medicine women, African sangomas, and Italian mystics. It was a living demonstration of the truth of Oneness beyond difference, of the vibrant flow of life that not only cares about the details but also the heartbeat. We were loving life together. We were doing what we were born to do: we were rejuvenating one another with love. May this be the way of the brave, new world.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Hats off to Hlumelo Biko for introducing us to this unique and powerful way of looking at a funeral. And hats way off to Rev. Berry for sharing that one spirit shared by the many “tribes” at such an event. TO ONENESS! And that South african event on the site is so enticing. May all who participate have a strong vertical experience with (upper case “N”) Nature Love, Tom C.
Thank you Berry, for this inspiring writing from your recent experience at Kiva, enriching all of us, love, Anne-Lise
Thank you, Berry, for blessing this event in Zimbabwe with your own presence and energy. I think you probably encompassed it as no others there could, allowing it to release radiant Light into the world and inviting resonant substance in human consciousness to do the same.
Thank you Berry – I wrote a whole thing about animals and the lioness and her 3 babies – so I deleted it and letting it go in prayer – while holding All in Love and Light
So special to read Your words about the celebration of the funeral. We can learn from their ceremonies, in my culture here in Europe.
I love the drumming, dancing and singing -and to connect with our Soul also on funerals. I have learned a lot from my Soul friend Bonsrah from Ghana, when he was here with me in The Netherlands, to honor the ancient connections.
He brought also the sacred and deep knowing to me, of our souls and magic in our time together.
We can learn a lot from each others wisdom
Thank You Berry
Thank you Berry for conveying the uplifting rich diversity of a shared primal spirituality brought to life by this Kiva gathering of healers. I can feel the power of prayer focused in the pulsating vibrancy of life and the flowing energies of this sacred gathering, generating an energy field filled with peace and healing and I feel the joy of the shared transcendent expression of Source Reality sustained through this time. Thank you for bringing to life the beauty of the Spirit of our global family – One spirit in action in the world! Wonderful!