This Week's Quotation:
Lent comes to providentially reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.
~ Pope Francis
The Medicine of Grace

Terri McCartney
I shared this quote from Pope Francis because it captures the essence of the Lenten Season as I’ve come to honor it. During Lent, I give time each day to identify and release those deeply ingrained behaviors that indicate my heart still needs to open more fully to a Love that knows no separation or conditions.
When an unexpected crisis occurs, I have observed how I tend to reengage habits and patterns I thought I had transcended. Maybe you have had a similar experience. This is not something to berate ourselves about. Terrible, confusing, and disheartening things sometimes occur that overwhelm us. The result can be an unconscious reaction to them instead of a conscious response. Compassion first, then the remedy.
The antidote that supports me is the medicine of grace. For example, when I disappoint myself, I pray for the grace of pardon. I ask for the grace of fortitude when I feel weary and the obstacles feel insurmountable. I pray for the grace of patience when waiting for clarity is required. I request the grace of serenity when my mind is chaotically looping. I call on the grace of resilience when dis-ease permeates my physical body. Instead of “to-do” lists, I create “to-feel” lists of the graces I pray to embody each day.
There are an infinite number of graces we can call upon to support us. The graces are readily accessible to all. Whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, we can ask for and receive the medicine of grace that will best support us in being fully present as the uniquely beautiful expression of divinity that we are.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Thanks, Terri, for suggesting that “the medicine of grace” is always available to assist us in working with the challenging circumstances that often come to us in living. This medicine is particularly valuable as we confront the chaos, confusion and conflict present in the world at this time.
You are an amazing writer, Terri! I love the idea of the “to-feel” lists of the graces embodiment each day. Thank you!
Dear Terri – thank you so much for this beautiful reminder of what we have within.
I gave myself Grace as my ‘middle’ name because I want to remember always how I want to live. Feeling judged unfairly (I mean even being judged fairly is no ‘cake walk’ especially if it legitimate 🙂 However, feeling judged unfairly is one of my least favorite things 😉 And so to stave off wanting to ‘defend’ myself – it is far more ‘graceful’ to just ‘let it go’, forgive and better yet, forget. Grace clears energy – and that is just one of its gifts.
This is such a helpful blog, Terri. Self forgiveness, self acceptance, self love – the reminder of our humanity and the gift of the Graces that support our journey. Thank you so much for your wisdom.