This Week's Quotation:
If our lives scream out, “love, kindness, joy, hope, forgiveness,” they will definitely be echoed back. So, go ahead and live out loud and bring back a beautiful echo, echo, echo.
~ Caroline Naoroji
The Essence of My Being

Rev. Berry Behr, Global Interfaith Ambassador
It was the International Day of Peace on Saturday, 21 September, and I found myself in Los Angeles, the City of Angels. I was excited to be present for the annual retreat of All Paths Divinity School where I am both a student and faculty member.
I was curious to see how it was going to unfold. The theme was Higher, Wider, Deeper. As Above, so Below.
At the start of the retreat, we discussed our names, their meaning, and their history. How did we feel about them? Did they reflect our soul songs or the way Spirit sings through us into the world? We were invited to rename ourselves with a moniker that reflected how we felt at that moment. I chose the name Radiant Peace to honor the International Day of Peace, and because I had been reflecting on the relationship between joy and peace. Others chose names such as Braveheart, Many Rivers, Divine Emptiness, and Peaceful Presence.
As the weekend unfolded, we realised the depth of what these self-chosen names meant in our worlds, both for the present and for the future we were dreaming into. After all, today’s choice is the essence of tomorrow’s experience. Over the three days of the retreat, our names evolved. Mine became Listening Peace and then Peace-Love. Braveheart ended up as Simply Marvelous, and Divine Emptiness emerged as Cosmic Heart.
Names have meaning, words have vibration, and in that creative merging is immense power. Some Indigenous wisdom emphasizes the importance of a mother learning her baby’s song during her pregnancy and teaching it to those around her. Then, when the child forgets and behaves in a way that is incongruent with group values, the community can sing it back to remind the child of their soul essence.
Imagine if we all knew our own song and valued the songs of those around us. Imagine mindfully expressing your soul essence and radiating it into the world. What an incredible legacy that would be! What a beautiful song of loving harmony we could co-create.
How about your name? Does it reflect the essence of your being?
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Thanks much, Rev. Behr. That’s wonderful that you are both a “student and faculty.” No matter how much I have taught, I too have learned it is wise to remain the eternal student. Regarding what my name means, “Thomas” means “the twin” and “Cooper” is a barrel-maker. At first those names seemed unrelated to me. But if I have a flip in consciousness, ideally I am God’s “twin” or a reflection of God on earth .. and if/when I have the opportunity, I am a safe container (cf. barrel) maker for others. Thanks much for inviting this line of thought and for all you do, Berry. Love, tom
With the escalation of conflict in the Middle East right now, how important it is to bring a current of peace into that area. A song I use for doing this is ON A CLEAR DAY. When our consciousness is cleared of all turmoil and divisiveness a path for peace is cleared for the world.
First of all – I LOVE this – Imagine if we all knew our own song and valued the songs of those around us. Imagine mindfully expressing your soul essence and radiating it into the world. What an incredible legacy that would be! What a beautiful song of loving harmony we could co-create.
And second –
How about your name? Does it reflect the essence of your being?
I have changed my name throughout my life – and added Grace to my Katie. A few years after my dear mom crossed over to another experience – I took her first name as my own – I had always loved her dearly, but also realized how much I admired her. I took care of her during her last 10 years and completely during her last 4 years – when the doctors kept telling me she wouldn’t last another day. But mom was filled with grace – and one night – in a dream she sent me from the ‘other side’ – she told me that my name was Grace and that I was to live up to it. I am currently Katie-Grace and focus my energies on loving harmony – it takes commitment.
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