This Week's Quotation:
When feeling out of rhythm with yourself, others, or your situation, experiment with breathing in and out, feeling the sound of the word rukha, or Alaha…
Neil Douglas-Klotz: Prayers of the Cosmos, p. 49
Supreme Blessedness

Rev. Berry Behr, Global Interfaith Ambassador
The Beatitudes are a series of eight teachings or blessings shared by Jesus during his famous Sermon on the Mount. They are recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. The word Beatitude means supreme blessedness. The first Beatitude according to Matthew 5:3 in the King James Bible reads: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
I thought Google would help me to understand what that means. One source said "poor in spirit" means humans have no innate goodness of their own. Another said it means humans are broken. What happened to the loving God who made humans in His image?
Fortunately, a fellow interfaith minister has been studying Aramaic. She gave a presentation on the first three Beatitudes which was so impressive I was inspired to research further. Biblical scholars agree that Jesus spoke and taught in Aramaic. The first Christian Bible was published in Greek, probably translated in part from the original Aramaic. That means the English Bible is a translation of a translation. Here’s what I learned about the first Beatitude.
Original Aramaic: Tubwayhun l’meskenaee b’rukh: d’dilhounhie malkutha d’bwashmaya. Direct English translation is Ripe are those who find their home in the breath (the Spirit); they shall be attuned to the inner reign of God. (Patricia Fresen, D. Th., RCWP, The Beatitudes as Translated from the Aramaic.)
Not long ago, I realised that wherever I am, I am home. Wherever I am going, I am going home. When I am uncertain, afraid, or stressed, I return to the breath, my inner sense of home, to find solace, sanctuary, and steadiness. It’s an inner knowing and a practice of trust that is available to anyone, anywhere, regardless of their faith affiliation or lack of one. Imagine if we all emptied ourselves of our human concepts, conflicts, challenges, and concerns, to simply land at home in the breath. Imagine surrendering fully to the inner reign of God. Imagine peace. You are home.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
How appropriate your emphasis on breathing, Berry, as a way to connect with the stable and inner core of Being, of God. No matter how challenging a circumstance that comes to me, I can always pause and simply take a breath to bring my mind, heart and body back into oneness with the truth of who I am. Air is the symbol of Spirit, and we are here to soar in the air of the Spirit of the Most High.
Thank you, Rev. Berry. Unlike the turtle, snail, crab, and many other creatures, the human being usually does not realize we carry our home WITH US. Thanks to you and Neil for helping us be reminded that home is where you are (as Martin Cecil once put it) … Loving thanks to you both. Tom C.
How wonderful that the Aramaic writings are so available now!!!
Ripe are those who find their home in the breath (the Spirit); they shall be attuned to the inner reign of God.
You are so right – Breathe is Life and the guidance to –
Imagine if we all emptied ourselves of our human concepts, conflicts, challenges, and concerns, to simply land at home in the breath. Imagine surrendering fully to the inner reign of God. Imagine peace. You are home.
Be home by imagining peace – this is a great gift – thank you!!!
This is such a beautiful and clear translation of Aramaic by Patricia Fresen and your words, Berry of breath. Thank you.
The breath and heartbeat of God is the very essence, gift and blessing given to us, living in surrender. We exhale peace, gratitude, love and the atmosphere of Home into the world in honor of this precious gift of life.
“The Holy Spirit is the shared breath of our common humanity.”(A.Kelly) Let’s share it together and save humanity.