This Week's Quotation:
And when you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~ Marcus Aurelius
Precious Blessing

Terri McCartney
I repeat these words from Marcus Aurelius, it’s a precious privilege to be alive, as soon as I open my eyes each morning. It reminds me who I am—a radiant spark of divinity, having a human experience. I won’t allow myself to get out of bed until a smile of knowing graces my lips and ignites my internal love engine.
During these highly transitional times, where humanity must reconcile the tenacious demons that persist within the paradigm of separation, I find if I don’t remember who I am the minute I open my eyes to a new day, and consciously ground myself there, I’m easily snagged by the gravitational pull of fear and forgetting.
It’s not enough to just put a positive spin on things. We must go deeper than that. Whatever is before us, to see it, accept it without conditions, and process it deeply in our soul. And then, bless it and bless it again.
That becomes easier the more we awaken to who we are beyond the egoic self—the self that is captivated by its stories. And no judgment here, just a recognition that most of us still have cultural hand-me-downs that are ripe for re-storying.
I’m guessing your favorite stories are those that speak to your soul, genuinely uplift and accentuate the precious privilege it is to be alive. Mine too.
So, let’s get our creative juices flowing and share stories that celebrate the fact that human life doesn't fit into one genre—it's comedy, tragedy, mystery, and love story all wrapped into one evolutionary journey. This is our precious life to celebrate, and the world needs what only our uniquely individuated spark of divinity can contribute.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Yes, thank you, Terri. What a precious privilege to be alive. May I dissolve all I take for granted and begin to appreciate what once slipped away unnoticed – the drops of water on my skin in the shower, the taste of each bite of food, the beauty of the stars and skies, the people i see so much of, I forget how wonderful they are — may such emotional lethargy fall away as I awaken again and again to the wonder of it all. THANK YOU, Terri. Love, tom
So, let’s get our creative juices flowing and share stories that celebrate the fact that human life doesn’t fit into one genre—it’s comedy, tragedy, mystery, and love story all wrapped into one evolutionary journey. This is our precious life to celebrate, and the world needs what only our uniquely individuated spark of divinity can contribute.
I have to admit that I sometimes think that I would just love to have a day where ‘nothing goes wrong’ – and then luckily, I am able to remember that there have been too many to count in my long life….and that is so great!!!!
I am confident this won’t inflate your egoic self Terri … (observe) but your expression here is brilliant. The Clear Light of spiritual intelligence shines through your words. Awesome. I felt such enormous resonance as I read them and I will be revisiting them often. YOU are truly a precious blessing.
Terri, you have given me no excuse for not celebrating life the moment I wake up in the morning! Great thanks for your “uniquely individuated spark of divinity.”