This Week's Quotation:
All of the talents in the world are merely to implement the person’s will to do good, which becomes stamped into his being through the light of constant teshuvah. A great influx of God’s spirit falls constantly over him/her, and a holy will increases in him/her, far surpassing the aspirations of ordinary people. S/he comes to recognize the positive value of true success—the will for goodness, which is solely dependent on the person him/herself, and not any external condition. Great is teshuvah as it brings healing to the world.
~ Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Passing it on

Rev. Berry Behr, Global Interfaith Ambassador
Last week Jewish communities celebrated Rosh Hashanah (New Year) and this weekend they will mark Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. These are High Holy days that invite us to reflect on our relationship with the Source of our Being, and how we express that in the world.
In Hebrew, teshuvah means to turn. Tikkun olam means to heal the world. In these vulnerable and unpredictable days, we are called to return to the Source of our Being for guidance, reassurance, and renewal. Having received the blessing, we must turn again and use it to help heal the world. But how?
When I first learned about meditation, energy medicine, and metaphysics, I thought everyone in the world knew already. Then one day a lady tapped my shoulder and asked: “What’s a chakra?” (Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning circle or wheel, and refers to an energy point on the body)
As I turned to answer her, I imagined an endless queue behind her of people who had not experienced the magic of understanding energy concepts. I knew how significant this knowledge was in my spiritual development. I wondered: “Who is teaching this these days?” I created a six-week program called Foundations in Meditation which I taught many times over the next few years. I had received a blessing and was passing it on. I was helping people to find their own healing. In doing so, I became doubly blessed by the people and experiences I encountered.
I am so grateful for that tap on the shoulder. It reminded me that the gifts of our spiritual lessons are never for us alone. Someone needs what you have to offer. Giving back is a foundational teaching that flows through many wisdom traditions; it isn’t motivated by reward but by a strong desire to serve. When we turn to others in loving and grateful service, we are bringing the Light of heaven through us and radiating it to all without concern for results. We are healing the world.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
My passion is world service, bringing the Truth of Love, the Truth of Being, to the body of humanity. Your words, Berry, certainly indicate that this is your passion as well. So good to be with you in this Celestial Enterprise!
Thank you, Berry, for your insight and words. To turn and to heal the world is a the powerful longing, consciously or unconsciously of the heart,
We turn in this knowing when we realize that there is more to life than we have assumed, or have been taught. This confirmation of knowing, and turning always comes to us through another being who lives their knowing and assures, through encouragement, our knowing.
How exquisite!
When we turn to others in loving and grateful service, we are bringing the Light of heaven through us and radiating it to all without concern for results. We are healing the world.
Rev Berry – thank you for this beautiful reminder of why we are actually put on this earth. Sometimes, the things that happen in our world, on our planet – come to help us open to Our Deepest Truths – the ones that can sometimes get lost in the morass for awhile – but then actually what has happened may have come to ‘Save’ us and bring us Home to ourselves and our souls.