This Week's Quotation:
Believe in your heart that you are meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.
~ Roy T Bennett, Light in the Heart
Miracles Are Part of Divine Design

Rev. Berry Behr, Interfaith Minister
Children find it easy to believe in miracles, fairies, other worlds, and magic. Perhaps I haven’t grown up yet because I do, too. I am still attracted to the image of Wendy and her brothers flying off to Neverland with Peter Pan, fuelled by good thoughts and fairy dust.
Perhaps my determination to hold onto this childhood belief is the reason I seem to experience miracles a lot. All those times I got a job I wasn’t looking for and could not have imagined. The time my friend won the National Lottery and helped me get to New York for my first-year seminary intensive, and pay a large portion of my fees. Meeting people in the middle of the African bush who had the answers to questions I had been asking for years, and helped me manifest a dream I had given up.
Considering all these unexpected blessings and unimaginable unfoldings has made me wonder if the word “miracle” actually means Divine Design. And perhaps the reason for the apparent scarcity of miracles for so many is that they are something we humans find hard to trust. After all, who are we to expect such grace? In the words of Marianne Williamson, Who are we not to?
We are all part of an incredible experience on earth, here by design. My most challenging experiences set me up for the most miraculous and unexpected of outcomes. As a little girl, I learned to “expect the unexpected.” I would tell myself, It doesn’t matter what I think will happen next. It is going to be something completely different. And then I would run off and play until that unexpected thing happened, and I would be in awe.
Looking back, I realise Spirit trained me well to trust the process, to trust Spirit. I have started to understand that the real training has been about trusting myself. It is still hard work to surrender to a situation and just accept the moment, accept where I am right now, even if the situation is not ideal. Sometimes, I still take myself to the point of despair before I stop fighting and surrender to Divine Will. Always, that moment of complete surrender is the point at which the miracle is birthed. Magic sparkles and wonders are everywhere because life knows how to bless us like that.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Thank you so much, Berry! You have just described my life. In the past few days I have once again remembered to turn life over to the Divine Intelligence and receive the magic that I know will manifest. Your words have just reinforced that commitment and today you have been my miracle!
When we are properly identified with the truth of who we are, we find that miracles are a natural part of the creative process of life. Thanks for making this clear, Berry.
Divine Design or Love? Same ‘no thing’ really. Today I asked myself ‘What can Love do through me? I could rephrase that and ask ‘What miracles can Love manifest through me? Stay tuned.
Could you hear my “AMEN” from SR, Berry? I, too, learnt that there was such a thing as Divine design through noticing the miracles that happened/are happening in my life – when I say “YES” to the inner urge that comes from that still small voice inside that I call the voice of Spirit. As I’ve learnt to say yes more quickly and often, my life has taken turns that I couldn’t have foreseen and led to glorious vistas, like diving underwater to see the wonders of a coral reef. I think this is what Jesus meant when he said “the kingdom of God is at hand”. Say yes to that inner guidance and be led to the wonders the Divine has in store. Thanks for sharing these thoughts, Berry. With my love
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful comments on this week’s blog, and for letting us know that you resonate. I love the connections we share, and how we all seem to be instruments of the Divine when we stay true to our inner prompting. Thank you for sharing this amazing path with me!
I love this Berry – at 81, and having survived 20 close calls and 2 NDEs during that span of time – I totally believe in miracles – and I believe in gratitude – and I believe in the greater good of people and of all of our opportunities to recreate our lives. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to always Trust the Process!!!
I also wish to thank you, Berry, for describing the magic of your life journey so preciously, because I so identify with it ! After some years in my life of doubt in what seemed to be my childish faith, I met friends who cheered me on with my Creative Consciousness and thoughts of a Divine Design.