This Week's Quotation:
Each and every one of us has the capacity within ourselves to feel into the Oneness of the universe, exist in a state of interconnectedness and beauty, and be love embodied. Imagine what the world would be like if all eight billion people on Earth embodied love in their thoughts and actions.
~ Steve Farrell - Humanity’s Team
Love and Oneness

Jerry Kvasnicka, Bringing love and oneness
What a magnificent vision Steve Ferrell suggests! Human beings everywhere living together in peace and harmony and allowing this Earth project to truly thrive again, realigning with Universal Being and becoming a gleaming gem in the cosmos!
And yet, how distant the world we live in seems from this vision. Unrelenting conflict both between and within nations. The United States, traditionally considered the world’s foremost example of peaceful democracy, is increasingly a fractured state of political and social division. Surely, separation, not oneness, is the dominant characteristic of our world.
But this world that human beings have made is an unreal world. Oneness is the reality. What proof can I offer? One obvious proof is that the current human state simply isn’t working. Another is that love and oneness just feel right. When I am bringing love into what I’m doing and to the people with me, my mind, my heart, and my whole being just says, YES, this is what I am made to do!
Steve Farrell and Humanity’s Team have set a goal for 2040 when a new and transformed world will emerge based on most human beings living in conscious awareness of oneness and love. This can only occur as each one of us is consciously aware now and consistently chooses to let all of our actions, even our words and thoughts, be governed by the Source Code of Creation, i.e., love and oneness.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Yes, Jerry and Steve. ONENESS IT IS. All photos I have seen from satellites and space telescopes confirm that we are ONE planet and ONE universe. Why not also know that we are ONE PEOPLE. Love, Tom C.
That’s what I’m here for.
Excellent, Jerry, thank you. There is an internal sensing and primal knowing that our consistent choices in every word, thought, feeling and action of love brings oneness into the world. This is our one mission and purpose.
Thank you Jerry for sharing your pure and powerful vision. Onward and upward to 2040 and beyond.
ONENESS is the key to connect at subconscious, conscious and superconscious level– we all have the ability to do it–it’s matter to connecting with it.