This Week's Quotation:
Carry your heart through this world like a life-giving sun.
~ Hafiz, Persian Sufi Poet
Life-Giving Suns

Terri McCartney
Over the years, I’ve learned that becoming a sun involves more undoing than doing. It’s about disengaging from the conditioning to fear and separation. It’s about forgetting what we think we know and opening to what eternity would have us remember. In my experience, while it sounds simple enough, I haven’t found that to equate to easy.
Forgetting what we think we know and opening to what eternity would have us remember is an exquisite dance—the caveat is we must learn the steps and practice them consistently. For example, one delicate step is learning to discipline our mind to remain present and tuned into the unified field through which the voice of Love is transmitted. This has continued to be the step I've found it most difficult to master!
Another is to remember that there is great restorative dignity and holy empowerment in intending to bring a loving heart and a mind free of judgment to all we engage. Another is recognizing that the sun we are is free of grievances—it shines without expectations.
Our adventures here in time and space, as infinite beings having a human experience, are not meant to be about striving and surviving but about unfolding our divinity from the inside out. We are remembering we are immeasurably multifaceted and all that is needed for us to shine is given. Then, the Love we are can radiate through our humanity as we are lit up and shine like the life-enhancing sun we are.
Everything we’ve experienced has provided opportunities to remember the Truth of Love. Let us celebrate that and feel the joy of being alive—experiencing and experimenting—on this journey of becoming a sun.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Oh to be a heart which is a life-giving sun and in the company of a galaxy of such hearts. why not be that NOW and always? Thank you David and Hafiz. Love, Tom
P..S. And thank you, Terri. While Hafiz and David whom I thank below gave the quote (Hafiz) and wrote BECOMING A SUN (by David –I recommend), it was was you, Terri, who brought it all together in a creative way!
You’re right on, Terri, when you write that we are here for the purpose of “unfolding our divinity from the inside out.” And it certainly isn’t about “surviving and striving.” It is simply about letting go of the false conditioning of fear and separation and opening to the Truth of Love that I innately and inherently am.
Terri – every word you wrote is exquisite – and of all of them – these are my favorites –
Forgetting what we think we know and opening to what eternity would have us remember is an exquisite dance
dear Katie-Grace, Terry & All. I am One in this “Sun Dance” with you………….may the Earth & all of Humanity feel & embrace the vibration of the Greater LOVE.
Our adventures here in time and space, as infinite beings having a human experience, are not meant to be about striving and surviving but about unfolding our divinity from the inside out.
What a beautiful message in total, I am particularly touched by the words above.
Thank you.