This Week's Quotation:
Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
~ Luke 17:21
It’s All Divine

Terri McCartney
The kingdom of God is within us all. There are no exceptions! It’s just that those of us who know this beautiful truth must take full responsibility for walking this talk in the world. That requires releasing all of the old ideas about who we are and remembering it’s all divine.
Divinity became diverse to see itself—to see all the multidimensional expressions of the One. Now we need to look closely at life to see all the varied expressions of God. When we see something that disturbs us, we must understand that it’s what is left inside us that remains separated and still forgets its innocence.
It’s all innocent because it’s all divine. Yes, our world is currently offering many reflections of what happens when one becomes mired in fear and feels disconnected from the divine. And the horror of it can lead us to judge, condemn or just pretend it doesn’t exist. But that is not the answer. Love is always the answer because love is all that exists.
God sees through our eyes, beats our hearts, and is in every breath we take. Within our own being is the divinity we seek. All we need to do is trust the divine plan and practice our decision to see all things with love. No Exceptions.
Wherever you are is lighted. The most minute transformation is like a pebble dropped into a still lake. The ripples spread out endlessly.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Yes, I love the words “God sees through our eyes, beats our hearts, breathes our breath”. How beautiful. If the Kingdom of God is within, that would mean within ALL of us — indeed we read that our body is the Temple of the Loving God .. How sacred. Always WITH YOU in this, Terri — Love, Tom
Yes, the kingdom of God is within us. But as my good friend and mentor Bill Bahan used to urge his audiences: “LET IT OUT!” That is really the only way that it can be known, and I might add, the only you can really know yourself.
All we need to do is trust the divine plan and practice our decision to see all things with love. No Exceptions. Yes!!!!
I finally just joined and will be reading these lovely and thoughtful blogs regularly now. This is just beautiful, Terri! I love your words “Love is always the answer because love is all that exists.” If we can reach an “unconditional love” state (like the kind of love we share with many of our animal-friends), then I think we will have arrived. Maybe that’s coming,… one can hope. We get to have glimpses of what that state feels like from time to time. You are right, though,… it’s all divine! Let it flow!