This Week's Quotation:
Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world. The implications of this to our understanding of life and the design of our society are extraordinary. If a quantum field holds us all together in its invisible web, we will have to rethink our definitions of ourselves and what exactly it is to be human. If we are in constant and instantaneous dialogue with our environment, if all the information from the cosmos flows through our pores at every moment, then our current notion of our human potential is only a glimmer of what it should be. If we’re not separate, we can no longer think in terms of “winning” and “losing.” We need to redefine what we designate as “me” and “not-me,” and reform the way that we interact with other human beings, practice business, and view time and space. We have to reconsider how we choose and carry out our work, structure our communities, and bring up our children. We have to imagine another way to live,
~ Lynne McTaggart, Author of The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
Interacting With the Field

Terri McCartney
It's empowering to know that separation is an illusion. It's a giant step in human evolution! Yet, although scientists demonstrated this over a half-century ago, humanity has been slow to catch on. The belief in separation has been so deeply engrained, it’s been a mighty task to lay down the new neural pathways in the human brain that align with our new knowledge about ourselves.
The overriding challenge is to remain conscious that we are always interacting with the field as the creators we are. Every thought, word, emotion, choice, attitude, and action carries a frequency that makes a statement to the field about who we believe ourselves to be.
While we sincerely intend to give our best to stay awake and in Attunement with the God field, sometimes we get snared in the gnarly stuff. Be gentle when that happens.
Since we are in an interdependent relationship with all that exists, there is a huge diversity of frequencies that we weave in and out of over the course of a day. What a balancing task it is to honor our human experience while simultaneously remaining integral to heaven. When others are pulsing a vibration that is very dense and aligned with separation, we might entangle ourselves in the frequency by a habit of separation still not cleared from our own human system. It takes mindfulness and determination to leave unsaid the wrong thing at a triggering moment.
When the world has you tempted to believe that blood, sweat, and tears pave the roads of our lives, don’t invest in that crock of nonsense. Keep the lines of communication with the God field open. Remember that the Creation game has replaced the Survival game. There’s no order of difficulty when we’re tapped in and attuned with the God field.
So, increase your appetite for the extraordinary. Keep your sight on the fabulous truth that vitalizing new frontiers await those who grasp the principles of interacting with the field. Let’s create experiences where life's contrast and diversity and all of its creatures and beings are valued and celebrated.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Excellent. Thanks Terri. I love Lynne’s invitation to “ increase your appetite for the extraordinary.” Sounds great. Let’s DO IT! Love, Tom
As I believe our good friend Swami Beyondananda put it, “The world is suffering from a bad case of truth decay.” This decay arises from the very thing that you’re writing about in this blog, Terri: a refusal to creatively interact with the field that unites us in oneness. May we drop any remaining belief we may have in separation and finally come totally together in the ordering power of Love.
Jerry – you always have a very appealing response – just LOVE this one – As I believe our good friend Swami Beyondananda put it, “The world is suffering from a bad case of truth decay.”
We are congealed LIGHT. The ‘light’ we see with our eyes is just a narrow part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum – which is all LIGHT. And that broad spectrum of frequencies is just what humans currently know about and have the instruments to detect and utilize. God knows how many more frequencies there are extending in both directions beyond the current known spectrum which we don’t yet have the instruments to detect! Fortunately, we have another instrument with which to detect God’s Field – our amazing soft, squishy physical body with it’s spiritual core which can sense a whole other spectrum of Divine frequencies. Let there be LIGHT.
Thank you, Terri. It inspires me to know that this absolute truth is slowly entering the field of human awareness. The information pertaining to this reality has been my personal study for decades. The challenge is to live all aspects of my life to reflect this truth and to break through programmed patterns that reflect limit and fear. These are exciting times for conscious evolution!
YES!!! – Remember that the Creation game has replaced the Survival game.