This Week's Quotation:
Truth is complex and has multiple aspects. No single statement can describe the nature of existence and the absolute truth.
- Jain Philosophy
God Knows My Heart

Rev. Berry Behr, Global Interfaith Ambassador
I met a man of deep integrity who spoke sadly about the level of distrust and cynicism in the world today. Our conversation spanned deep fake videos and the spread of fictional news, human patterns of fear, anger, hurt, and division, as well as the widespread belief that everyone secretly harbours selfish and exploitative agendas.
The conversation turned to things we are doing to help people navigate the turbulent and sometimes violent fear that exists around us. We spoke about radiating love, about holding a clear centre through connection to the Source of our Being, and the small ways we are trying to answer perceived needs within the communities we serve. We shared a vision of a time to come when humans will look up from their screens and notice each other again. We imagined people engaging, and reaching out to each other with loving, collaborative, and compassionate intent. It reminded me of a vision of heaven on earth as expressed by David Karchere in Chapter 7 of his book, Becoming a Sun.
The deepest intention of our hearts will be evident in the fruits of our actions. Fruit is not something that grows overnight. Even when things do not turn out as we hoped or envisioned, the essence of our efforts remains as a seed that may lie dormant for a long time before conditions become ideal for that seed to germinate. That's why it is worth it to continue to love even when our pure intent seems to be ignored, rejected, or misunderstood. It's worth remembering that beyond our diverse beliefs, opinions, and world views, there is a meeting place of the heart where all of life has value, and exploring all of it is a pilgrimage.
I know my heart, and so does God. It hurts when others judge or misunderstand me. I am pretty sure most people feel the same way. What if we trusted each other to play our roles perfectly, recognizing that we simply don't know each others' truth or the Divine Plan?
May the seeds we plant now through our words, actions, and thoughts bear sweet, nutritious fruit for the earth and all generations of life to come.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world’s sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
That’s why it is worth it to continue to love even when our pure intent seems to be ignored, rejected, or misunderstood. It’s worth remembering that beyond our diverse beliefs, opinions, and world views, there is a meeting place of the heart where all of life has value, and exploring all of it is a pilgrimage.
Yes!!! The more we can remember that we are actually here on a pilgrimage in life – that we are learning anew – perhaps the easier it will be to stop/wait/notice/listen first – instead of immediately judging…..
Yes, as you indicate, Berry, “it hurts when others judge or misunderstand me.” But we cannot let this drag us down. We continue to learn from every circumstance, including our less than pleasant encounters with others, and continue to move from victory to victory, offering our highest and finest.
Beautifully said Berry! In judgement of others we are holding our hearts in the illusion of separation. The power of God within us is pure, unconditional love. We are the human embodiment of that love. Past hurts, fears and doubts can be blessed and released as we expand into the consciousness of The Angels we are destined to be. Much love to you and with you!