This Week's Quotation:
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
~ Albert Einstein
Faithful Tenacity

Terri McCartney
I have long found upliftment in Einstein's insights, and whenever I feel discouraged by the dispiriting reality I'm perceiving, this quote comes to mind. It reminds me that it's my task to see differently—to see the light even where it appears not to be.
While I've long known that our perceptions and interpretations shape our experience of reality, I still find myself getting entangled in the persistent illusion that something is bad or wrong or without divinity. In truth, everything serves the purpose of the creative evolution of consciousness.
While it's a tough concept for any mind that's been deeply habituated to a reality of separation, sin, and survival, our work is to reclaim everything that has been denied its goodness—its inherent godliness. We must see the divinity that has become distorted, even in the most contemptible. Whatever we judge as evil, horrific, and despicable must be re-seen and restored to the truth that all is of divine Source.
I know well how challenging this can be and the faith required to see another reality in the experience of great pain, hardship, and heartache. Sometimes, it feels like there is a colossal gravitational pull into that abyss of suffering. In those instances, it takes enormous courage and determination to choose and reopen to the carrier wave of love.
Yet the process can't be bypassed. One does not restore through resistance, repression, or rejection. The only way is through acceptance and love. Whatever our experience, it's an opportunity to perceive and choose love.
We got this. We have the faith, courage, and tenacity to bring the vision and love that is needed. And in doing so, we invite others to experience the healing truth that love knows no order of difficulty, whatever the issue may be.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
yes! Well put, Terri and Albert (if I may). To always know there is a great reality, to always see the light even if others see only darkness, to know that it is not “seeing is believing” but KNOWING which envisions true seeing — all is our way, our path, our vision. Loving thanks for all you give. With aloha from Oahu, Tom C.
Thank you Terri, this is such a great reminder of our responsibility to hold the love and the light no matter what the world appears to be throwing at us. It is so easy to be sucked into the fear, drama and darkness; and it is so transcendently freeing to work through that and continue to illuminate the primal truth for all to see.
Your words, Terri, remind me of the wise advice offered to me and others by a good friend: “Give thanks in all things and in all circumstances.” No matter how challenging or painful, we bless everything that comes to us, giving thanks for the learning opportunity it all provides.
Thank you so much, Terri! I was having a conversation today about a street person that I sat down with yesterday. I have done this whenever possible for the past 40 years. I see how they are judged by people passing by, but this has no meaning to me because I know the souls of these people are exactly like mine. When I have their permission to sit with them, a deep, meaningful conversation usually takes place. My mission is to give them love and hope in the short time we have together.
Love and Fear are opposite poles. They can not exist together. And yet I notice that so many people are afraid and insecure about other people–street people or not. Love has no boundaries, except the ones we individually place on it. Love and judgement can also not exist together.
There are so many areas that need love right now that here is no shortage of ways we can reach out with unconditional love. Every person on this Earth is a member of our Soul Family. I always endeavour to remember this during the most challenging interchanges with others.
I am feeling “Mother Theresa” embodied this.. and what a great example ❤️ Thank you Terri… beautiful reminder of what can be achieved. 🙏✨🙏
It is amazing when sometimes we can watch what looks like a bad or hurtful situation to one person – end up in service to someone else in a way that might not have occurred otherwise. This thought seems to show up in all of the responses in one way or another – what a wonderful Life Lesson!!!