This Week’s Quotation:
Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
~ Luke 12:32
Divine Order

Soul Care Facilitator
It is a time of enormous uncertainty in the world. It’s natural to feel agitated, anxious, angry or helpless when we feel we have no control over what’s going on “out there.” When I notice my stress levels rising, I hear Byron Katie speaking in my head: All stressful feelings are caused by thoughts that argue with what is.
Indeed. I’ve been diligent in my efforts to follow Byron Katie’s advice and become a lover of what is. At times it feels like the most challenging endeavor a human being can undertake, especially when it involves situations of enormous heartache. Still, I tell myself, trust, Let nothing disturb you. With God, all things are possible.
All spiritual paths require surrender to the Divine Principle. But more than that, I also feel it as a call to step up and take full responsibility for expressing my divinity in the world. The Divine that we surrender to is also our truest self. That is how important we all are! We are here to enable the Divine purpose of the universe to unfold through our uniquely individuated expression of divinity.
Walking that talk requires discipline and a commitment to stay awake. And complete trust that Great Spirit has our back every step of the incomprehensible way. We are not as fragile as the voices in our heads would have us believe. As Marianne Williamson reminds us, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
Mindful Explorations:
What do you need to surrender to maintain alignment with the evolutionary impulse? Are there facets of your life that you find challenging to accept and surrender to Divine Will? What is in the way of that surrender? When will you be ready to let it go?