This Week's Quotation:
Love is within us. It cannot be destroyed. It can be ignored.
To the extent that we abandon love we will feel it has abandoned us.
Denying love is our only problem, and embracing it is the only answer.
Through the power of love, we can let go of past history and begin again. Love heals, forgives, and makes whole.~ Ernest Holmes - Science of Mind
Denying Love Is Our Only Problem

Sece Foster, Inspirational Speaker, Spiritual Coach & Attunement Practitioner
The first time I read these words, it was like getting hit between the eyes with a truth bomb. I’m curious—how did it hit you? At first glance it seems like a bold statement to say that “denying love is our ONLY problem…” So, let’s dive into this a little deeper and see if it rings true.
I invite you to read that quote one more time and replace the word love with the word God. God and Love are interchangeable, because God IS love. I AM that and YOU are that. It is only when we ignore this reality and allow ourselves to become cold, withdrawn, critical, feeling separate from everyone and everything else, that we feel abandoned and alone. The remedy is always to give love—it is literally what we are designed for. A few years ago, I had a powerful experience that proved to me that what Ernest Holmes is saying here is true.
For many years I had held my mother at arm’s length emotionally. I had told myself a convincing story that made it okay to ignore and deny love. I spent so many years just playing the part of a good daughter, I wasn’t allowing the Love I have to give to flow between us. Looking back, I can see the toll that this took on both of us. Without real vision, it was hard to notice the impact of this way of being. Things changed when the cancer came. It was a wakeup call for me to actually “walk my talk.” Through deep prayer, surrender, and meditation I was guided to show up as Love in her last days on this earth. I was able to let go of the story I had created about her and about our relationship. I was able to access the love that I had for my mother as a little girl…a love that is innocent and primal. This was so healing for both of us. I KNOW that this revelation of Love not only assisted her in making her transition with grace, but it also reestablished an unbreakable connection that I still cherish to this day. Most importantly, it taught me the real power of allowing the Love within me to be expressed by paying attention to how I could be ignoring it.
So now, when I am facing discord in my relationships, I ask myself, “Where am I denying or ignoring love?” This puts me in the position of taking responsibility for the shift that is needed. It’s a powerful practice to look upon the world in which we live and get really mindful about how we are either showing up as Love or ignoring the ability we have to be the medicine our world needs. This practice sure has changed my life.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
What a great practice. Thank you, Sece. My wife and I just had an issue come up with an insurance company which seems to be overcharging us by quite a bit for some of her health issues. Naturally feelings came up. It is great when one of these feelings — the overriding one — is love. May this be true for our world, because in our case the triggers were inside and could be eventually subdued — but in the larger world, these are real triggers pointing muzzles and rockets in all directions. May we all be in agreement with your wise advice. LET LOVE RADIATE. LOVE! Tom
This post brings two thoughts to mind. A bible verse that changed how I saw things is James 4:8. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. To that point I was waiting for God to select me and looking for a method that would create the connection from Him to me. I began to focus instead on giving my love up to God, tuning in to Love. Our loving relationship becomes reciprocal when I draw near to God
There were long-standing barriers in my relationship with my mother as well. From a very young age I felt a strong resistance from her to me. However, that feeling in me was my responsibility to deal with. I tried to accept that whatever had gone before made her as she was. For years, not much other than civility happened. Then she became dependant on me as she was alone and was deeply immersed in dementia. I took up the challenge of caring for her and was greatly rewarded with new wisdom. I poured my love into her. One day, as I stood behind her, gently brushing her hair, I was filled with a divine loving sense of peace. I knew this was a moment of true reconciliation. From then on my mother willingly allowed me to be in her space. I held her hand, I held her heart and I held her love too. Could I have shown love to her more effectively before her life circumstances changed? Do I allow myself to receive the love coming my way? So I look to answer the question – “Where am I denying or ignoring love?”in the circumstances that come my way.
Thank you, Cori for sharing your experience with this. Your response touched my heart. Blessings,
So beautiful – feeling the love here on the Ranch is such a great blessing……