This Week's Quotation:
Minute by minute, thought by thought, your mind is what shapes your life.
~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Guru of the Siddha Yoga path
Cultivating Siddhic Mind

Terri McCartney
We have all heard it said, The only thing that needs to change is your mind. That's empowering counsel! As Gurumayi states, our mind shapes our life. The Force that animates all life is within us, and our mind directs that Force. Hooray that we get to choose the thoughts our mind engages.
The quality of life we experience is related to how we perceive the realities of our world. It's empowering to ask ourselves, What meaning am I giving life's happenings, and what state of mind is being triggered?
Siddhi is a Sanskrit noun meaning divine gift, advanced capabilities, or complete understanding. To cultivate the Siddhic mind is to attune the human mind to the mind of God, where all vestiges of the shadow are transmuted into light. The Siddhic mind is our natural mind.
Yet, neuroscientists tell us that our preprogrammed subconscious mind controls 95% of our thoughts. Reality has evolved, but the human mind hasn't yet caught up. And like me, I'd guess many of you are now aware of how ridiculous are many of the ways we've been taught to think. Hallelujah that the human mind is now receiving a reality adjustment that will free it of its outdated, separation- and fear-based stories.
Let's continue to welcome the mind to consider new possibilities. Give it free rein to brainstorm and walk outside the lines, blazing new mental frontiers. Celebrate the cleansing of perception, creating new neural pathways for the thought train to follow. Be attentive to evidence of the truth that consciousness trumps matter.
Making small changes in our perceptions daily quickly adds to major mental transformations. For example, practice allowing your mind to hold only those thoughts you think with love. To perceive heaven on earth, let heaven be the focus of your attention. Look for signs of it everywhere. Distract the mind from its preoccupation with suffering and invite it to dance beyond fear's illusions.
Each day, lovingly pull the weeds from the garden of your mind. With care, cleanse and wash away the cobwebs spun by fear and division. The mind is a precious resource when it moves beyond duality, yes and no, and right and wrong thinking.
Your mind is your broadcasting station, and generosity of spirit and loving thoughts proclaim the inherent oneness of all life. Old habits of separation and judgment don't have to die miserably—they will fade away when they are no longer given thought. Cultivating Siddhic mind is a blessing we offer to all that inhabit our beautiful world.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Minute by minute, thought by thought, your mind is what shapes your life.
~ Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Guru of the Siddha Yoga path
There is so much mind control – how nice when we can be the ones in control – paying attention to what we think – and why we think it – and then making conscious choices about what we think – and including love and respect for self and others in that process.
The human mind left to its own devices and governed by subconscious impulses is causing all kinds of destruction on earth. Before it’s too late for our planet let us consistently do what you suggest, Terri: “attune the human mind to the mind of God.” It is actually quite easy, for this is what we inherently are!
It is rather shocking to hear that our preprogrammed subconscious mind has controlled 95% of our thoughts! Only as we focus on the simplicity of love, giving and receiving love, we come into the heaven of mind and heart creating together peace and joy through living.
Thank you Terri for these beautiful Fruits of the Vine of victorious living.