This Week's Quotation:
We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.
~ LeeAnn Taylor, The Fragile Face of God
Butterfly Wisdom

Terri McCartney
Who doesn’t love butterflies? It’s mesmerizing to watch them dance with the air. Best of all, they provide inspiration for the capacity of all life forms to transform.
Mythologist Michael Meade proposes that the butterfly supports us in understanding the inherent dynamic for evolution at the core of every human. We all go through cycles of transformation. And like the caterpillar, who has no idea what it’s about to become, none of us know what our process of metamorphosis might involve or lead to.
As the caterpillar discovers once it is reborn as a butterfly, there’s always more going on in life than we know. Like the caterpillar, we must have the graces of faith, fortitude, and forbearance to go through whatever is required.
For the caterpillar to become the butterfly, the caterpillar cells are exchanged for the butterfly cells which are poetically called imaginal cells. Initially, the caterpillar cells resist the process. The caterpillar doesn’t want to die. We get that.
Nonetheless, the old that interferes with the new being birthed must die. While we might go through transformation kicking and screaming, resistance is futile. Ultimately, all we can do is let go, trust, and allow.
I enjoy imagining that Earth is our chrysalis, nurturing and supporting us through our evolution. In those moments when the requirements of metamorphosis feel too much to bear, let’s give thanks for the blessing of the butterfly's wisdom—a reminder that what’s on the other side is more glorious than we can imagine.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
Thank you Terri, such a relevant message for our times. Like the butterfly’s process of metamorphosis, the only way out is through. May we all be each other’s support and, as you say, give thanks for the blessing of the butterfly’s wisdom. Bless you xx
HI Terri. I love it that you are always providing fresh inspiration such as LeeAnn’s butterfly image. Whatever dead caterpillar cells we must leave behind, may we all soar into our butterfly identity welcoming fresh change and higher vision from increased altitude. Love and thanks to you. Tom
Thanks for bringing this wisdom, Terri. At age 82 I must admit that I’ve been thinking more about my movement out of the physical and material caterpillar state into the butterfly state beyond this world of form. This anticipated metamorphosis has been accompanied by some fear. So thanks for your “reminder that what’s on the other side is more glorious than we can imagine.”
Thank you Terri! When I was a child I told everyone we were growing up to be Angels. I still believe that in my Soul. Life’s challenges and joys give us the transformations we need along that journey. As we let go and give way to higher spiritual understanding,our Angelic nature emerges. Lots of love to you!
What a wondrous picture your words portray. Thank you, Terri!
We have heard the words “Let go and Let God.” Seems to fit here too!