This Week's Quotation:
The holy instant is this instant and every instant… Your practice must therefore rest upon your willingness to let all littleness go… I call you to fulfill your holy part in the plan that He has given to the world for its release from littleness… This you will recognize in the holy instant, in which you willingly and gladly give over every plan but His… You can claim the holy instant anytime, and anywhere you want it.
~ A Course in Miracles, T-15.IV.1:4
A Holy Instant

Terri McCartney
A Course in Miracles teaches that every moment is a holy instant—an opportunity to experience ourselves as the embodiment of the Creator that we are. The potential of the holy instant is experienced each moment we override the separation-based trappings of the ego mind and choose to perceive love and unity instead. It is a grace accessible to us every single moment that we remember that we are not the small, powerless self we’ve been convinced to believe we are.
Have you ever noticed how most thoughts are either host to separation or love? It astounds me how easily my human mind is lured into thoughts of blame, judgment, and defensiveness. I’m very familiar with how compelling pain and darkness can be and the deep surrendering required to see love where it appears not to be.
Yet, even in those moments that we miss the opportunity to embrace the holy instant, that recognition itself brings its grace. As does chuckling at our Creator’s sense of humor.
Additionally, as I’m certain we have all experienced, it’s easy to be loving toward the folks who behave the way we want them to. But that’s not the love that will heal the division in our world. We have to practice loving even when it’s not easy. Daily practices that fortify our spiritual muscles are as important as physical exercises that strengthen our body.
When we access the grace of the holy instant, we validate the divinity inherent in all, including ourselves. We fulfill our primary purpose of receiving the love of our Creator and extending that love. Then we ride what David Karchere describes as the carrier wave of love and participate in expanding love’s influence in our world—eroding the layers of love-denial that encrust many facets of our human experience.
About Open Windows
We, the authors of this blog, dedicate it to the transparent exploration of the world's sacred scripture and enlightened spiritual thought. We believe that the original inspiration of all faiths comes from a common source, named and revered in a myriad of ways. With that understanding, the innumerable symbols, beliefs, and practices of faith cease to divide. They become open windows to a common reality that inspires and unifies us. We find deeper insight and nourishment in our own faith and from the expression of faith from others.
We hope these weekly quotations and meditations speak to your heart and soul.
How beautiful, Terri, and MIRACLES friends. THE HOLY INSTANT is always here if one realizes it. We all have our languanging and I call it the eternal nowbeit. Great to worship with you now in THIS Holy Instant. Love, Tom
Truly, as you bring out, Terri, every moment is holy. And actually we are all in the carrier wave of love or we wouldn’t be alive. But becoming conscious of this flow makes all the difference. Then we’re in position to amplify and intensify the current, bringing it into our world in a regenerative and creative way.
“the carrier wave of love and participate in expanding love’s influence in our world”
I love this! Thank you, Terri, and David for these beautiful words. There are so many waves in this world that we cannot see, and yet, so many that we can feel. ~LOVE~
The Holy Instant – I LOVE that!!!! Thank you Terri
I taught the Course in Miracles a million years ago – it is time to re-read it!!!