By Dorian Black
Here is the place of love,
The place of magic, of order
And true stability,
Where the sky is not heaven
But the blue of it, yes, is a link with heaven,
And the clouds are not a veil to us
But only the presence of a thought
That for the moment is not blue.
Here we stand within our earth,
Here we dance upon our earth
And sing the radiant mystical song of present creation.
Here heaven stands within and upon,
Within and upon and through the earth,
And dances with our motion —
May it dance with you!
Here heaven sings —
May it sing in you!
For here is the presence of a thought
That is beyond cloud and even beyond blue.
Here is the presence of meaning beyond thought,
Of a magic beyond meaning,
Of an order and stability beyond magic,
Of a home beyond the homes of earth,
Beyond the separate joinings of hearts,
Beyond the understandings and the touchings
Of cloud on cloud in the nether blue
Where thought-birds fly.
Here is a thought beyond thought
And a knowing beyond all that is known,
For here is love and here is the home
And settlement of love.
From The Deep of Noon
© 1989 by Ted “Dorian” Black