When you think about your life carefully, it is easy to see that high emotional intelligence is essential to it all. Health and well-being, relationships, and professional success all rely on emotional awareness. And if your own emotions are highly conflicted, or blocked, it becomes impossible to be happy or fulfilled.
An emotionally intelligent person knows an internal spiritual peace and well-being. They attune easily to the source of wisdom and love within themselves. They develop a practical spirituality that stays with them through daily life. Their emotions radiate empathy, compassion, generosity, and kindness that transcend any religious beliefs or practice. Because profound emotional intelligence leads to profound spiritual intelligence.
Without developing emotional awareness, the human spirit is in chains. And no matter how rigorously they may apply any spiritual practice, they can’t access who they really are in their heart of hearts. And who they are can’t get out. It is locked up inside their emotions. So, the world never knows how much they care, how much they love, and how much they wish the best for the people in their life.
We have all seen people who thought they were spiritually motivated but lacked wisdom, authenticity, and spiritual warmth. Because no matter what a person’s religion or belief, there is no spiritual intelligence without emotional perception and clarity.
The world is waking up to the reality of emotional intelligence and how critical it is for human psychology. Research suggests that a person’s emotional quotient—a measurement of emotional intelligence—may be more important than IQ in determining a person’s success in life. EQ has been linked to job performance, more satisfying relationships, and the ability to recover from acute stress.
Emotional intelligence is like the weather. Everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it. Or even more relevant, no one teaches it in a way that transforms people’s lives.
For the average person, an academic concept of EQ, or the ability to test for it, doesn’t help. And traditional concepts, such as the idea that we need to “manage emotions,” don’t bring us the emotional freedom we seek. We have to go beyond the belief that we have to “manage emotions,” to an experience of emotional flow and mastery.
For that to happen, we need an understanding of EQ that maps to our own day-to-day experience. We have to find a way to see what is happening within our own feeling realm and then become masterful about what we see. We have to get eyes on our emotional experience to become emotionally intelligent in all the dimensions of our human experience.
This is what the Becoming a Sun Workshop offers. It presents a map of the human emotional experience that correlates with your actual experience. Then it explains how the elements of your experience are in dynamic relationship with each other. And finally, it lets participants work that dynamic in themselves and feel what it is like when it is working creatively.
What does this mean for participants in the Becoming a Sun Workshop? They transform emotions that have been sabotaging them into emotions that empower them. Emotions of love, empathy, and compassion that were frozen melt and flow easily out. Destructive anger turns into devoted commitment and service.
Emotional intelligence—EQ—is a doorway to higher levels of spiritual intelligence—SQ. Researchers have found the SQ is a predictor of leadership. Other research suggests that SQ has a significant influence on the quality of life for adolescents.
Bestselling author Stephen Covey said this about SQ:
Spiritual intelligence is the central and most fundamental of all the intelligences, because it becomes the source of guidance for the others.
He’s right. But the combined effect in a person’s life of EQ and SQ goes far beyond that. It unleashes powerful spiritual energies into a person’s physical body, creating vitality where there has been stress. It unlocks the mind. It brings an emanation of loving goodwill into a person’s world.
The combined effect of EQ and SQ opens a person to the source of all creativity that is possible to them in all phases of their life.
Learn the emotional pathways that melt numbness, disconnection, and loneliness, and let love flow through the feeling realm and into the world. Explore the simple formula for exposing the human heart to its inner power.
Discover conscious practices that transform hypercriticism and judgment to clear insight and understanding of yourself and others. Find how the emotional body—someone else’s or your own—becomes more peaceful, joyful, and supportive when you stop criticizing it and seek to understand.
Feel the power of the life force within that wants to explore, create, and express itself. Know your inner strength and the fertility of your soul.
Understand and know for yourself the internal dynamic that lets dreams and visions become real. Dare to touch your highest aspiration and live it now.
Learn the emotional intelligence behind the most creative thinking. Set your mind free to not only understand what is but to see what can be.
Adopt the ultimate courage—the courage to be yourself in all the myriad dimensions of who you are. Discover the inner power you have to protect what is sacred to you in your life
Learn the self-confidence and assurance that comes when you know that your entire human journey is embraced by a spiritual reality that is larger than you as a human being. Learn to open your feelings to a higher love in the middle of challenging circumstances.
At each step along the way, the participant is unleashing another element of the spiritual power within them. They are liberating another facet of who they are.
Participants receive a comprehensive understanding of the emotional intelligence behind all aspects of human experience—from personal to professional to family and relationships. They learn the essential emotional pattern that replicates throughout it all.
The workshop goes beyond the conceptual knowledge of the principles of emotional intelligence. Through journaling, silent reflection, and a variety of exercises, the concepts become real. Participants gain emotional understanding. They find the source of their own emotional strength. And their own powerful spiritual connection grows.
A Word From the Author
My name is David Karchere, author of the bestselling book, “Becoming a Sun; Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence for a Happy, Fulfilling Life.” It is a book of prose and poetry that guides the reader through an experience of their victorious human journey. It is a journey to grace, the ultimate emotional intelligence, and the highest spiritual knowledge. It is the journey of Becoming a Sun—the spiritual path to becoming, on the outside, what we have always been on the inside: a being of radiant love and light.
This workshop is based on the principles and experiences I write about in my book.
Facilitator Keahi Ewa
Keahi Ewa is a facilitator and coach for a wide variety of spiritually charged programs, one being her own offering based on the Spiritual Practice of Aloha, the exchange of the Breath of Life.
Her passion is to shine a light of possibility on living a life of true sovereignty and unconditional love through practical spirituality. She believes that, from this knowing, one can experience a full and fulfilling life.
Her greatest passion is developing the attunement current moment by moment and building a united vibrational field in courses and services.
Check out her website here.
Facilitator Oren Yakovee
Wonderful to meet you. I’m a lifelong lucid dreamer, a minister, trustee, Attunement practitioner and teacher, husband, father, songwriter, and poet, bringing a depth of presence dedicated to the source and embodiment of love. My greatest passion is developing the attunement current moment by moment and building a united vibrational field in courses and services. Feel free to check out meditations, music, poetry, early family videos, lucid dream journals and more on my Becoming A Sun profile.
You can imagine what an honor it has been to witness the joy on the face of a person I’ve never met before when they realize they have the power to set themselves free. It is one of the most fulfilling things in my life to watch a person become liberated from an unconscious block that had starved them of emotional fuel—to see them feel victorious and joyful about their life.
You will learn the concepts and principles that lead to real emotional intelligence.
You will understand emotions in a way that surpasses the limiting insights generally available in academia and business.
We will go beyond concepts, to show you how it feels. And how you can release the healthy flow of emotional energy in your life.
You will experience the power of emotionally intelligent expression as you take the course.
You will feel what it is like to be in an emotionally supportive environment for your learning with the mini-community of workshop participants.
Becoming a Sun is a carefully guided, step-by-step course that helps you locate the origins of healthy emotional flow in your own experience. And what blocks it.
You will learn the simple, reliable strategies that dissolve emotional blocks.
You will learn formulas that empower you to go beyond a momentary happy feeling to an experience of spiritual fulfillment you can consciously, deliberately replicate.
You will learn self-help methods that empower you to be emotionally intelligent in your interpersonal skills, and emotionally intelligent on the inside, knowing true inner peace and well-being
Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO 80538, USA
March 31 – April 3 (Wednesday through Saturday), 2025
9 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
I know the formulas I will be teaching work. I’ve seen it happen for people again and again. I want to share my confidence in what you will experience in this workshop by guaranteeing that you will experience transformational learning when you attend the Becoming a Sun Workshop. Your experience will change you. So I make this promise: I guarantee that, if after participating in this course, you find that the formulas I’ve shared do not empower your transformational learning, I will return your fee in full. All you have to do is ask on or before the last day of the course.